Hi, My main goal which I feel is shared by many would be to reduce public risk form public shootings or attacks. I have worked in many places and recently a school. While there I became a certified trainer for school a defense program being widely used now. But we remain to have gun free zones in schools post offices and other places. From my training I know that most of these types of events last 3-5 minutes and average police response is 12 minutes so the only defense you have is the folks you have onsite. I also know that perpetrators of these things look for week or soft or easy targets. Laws banning firearms ONLY affect law abiding citizens, the very people that may save you one day. I feel that schools should be posting a sign outside that says "we are armed and we will fight back" It does not require complicated training or purchase, simply allow the folks who already have permits to carry to do so in these now gun free (only criminals have guns) zones. I know in my state schools do have the ability to write their own policy and allow this but they tend to be afraid to step out of the accepted norm and do so. Gun free zones should be eliminated and citizens with permits should be encouraged to carry their weapons and do their best to protect citizens less capable. A smaller side issue is that the most dangerous thing you can do with a pistol is to "re-holster" it in an inconvenient place. Having to dis-arm and re-arm to enter these places creates a risk to people, good people. Lets pass legislation to eliminate these zones ! I know I would feel better about my kids in school if the half dozen or so friends I knew were ready could be armed while working there.
It's a proven fact, More Guns = Less Gun Violence.
When people are prepared to defend themselves bad guys give up. If they do press forward they lose fast.